Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Introducing Foundation Chiropractic

I have long been a believer in chiropractic care.  My father had had serious back problems that even caused him to require bed rest for weeks at a time on one occasion.  He had tried everything and finally saw a chiropractor as a last resort. Well, to make a long story short, the chiropractor cured his back problems.  He never had back pain like that again.   If he had a little pain, he would head for the chiropractor and get if fixed.  He LOVED chiropractic after that and often told his the story of how only a chiropractor had been able to help him.

So when I developed back pain I followed his example and my back is not a problem for me either. When it hurts, I see my chiropractor which brings me to the subject of this post!

My new chiropractor is Dr. Zach Simkins who also happens to be my son-in-law.  Those of you who live in southeastern Michigan should know that he is very skilled, very compassionate, and very knowledgable. My husband does every morning the exercises that Dr. Zach recommended to him and he no longer has back pain, despite having a herniated disk!  Yes!  That's good!!

Dr, Zach adjusted my brother's jaw for TMJ.  He gave him one adjustment and the TMJ was gone. That was two years ago and it has not come back!!

If you're scared to have your back "cracked" talk to him about it. He will listen.

And if you're in pain, well, head on over to his Plymouth Rd. office in Ann Arbor.  Back pain is awful. Don't put up with it.

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