Friday, May 09, 2008

My daughter came home from school on Monday with a headache and stomach ache.  It usually takes her a long time to recover from such ailments.  I think she has a sensitive system.  All day Monday and most of Tuesday she only drank small amounts and didn't want to eat anything.

Finally on Tuesday she had some chicken noodle soup.  I thought, Yea! She's getting better.  Nope.  she threw it up.  Next day, still home, she asked for chicken noodle soup again.  I gave it to her.  What could be better than chicken soup, right?  Wrong.  She threw it up again.  Back to popsicles.  Later in the day, "Mom, can I have some chicken noodle soup?"  My response, "Are you SURE  you want it?"  "Yup."  You guessed it.  She threw it up AGAIN.

Thursday-- she was feeling a little better. I, wanting to get some food into the little thing, said, "Is there ANYTHING at all that sounds good for dinner."  She paused, looked a little sheepish and said, " KFC popcorn chicken??"  Eyebrows raised I whispered, "Kentucky Fried popcorn chicken???"   This is not going to be good. She said, "My head knows that's not good for someone who's sick but my tummy thinks it sounds good."  

I thought let's go with the tummy because conventional wisdom is definitely not working here.  Would you believe the deep-fried greasy popcorn chicken stayed down?!?!   Greasy chicken--  the new comfort food.  Who knew?????  She went back to school today.  


Kellan said...

Poor thing. I'm glad she finally found something to eat!!

Have a good weekend Rosemary and a good Mother's Day - Kellan

Mimi said...

I agree with Kellan, I'm so glad she found something that sat right.


And, indeed, Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

Oh Rosemary, it's just so awful to see our children sick isn't it...I often wish I could spare them their sickness and be allowed to suffer in their place.

I'm so glad your little girl has finally been able to eat something that agreed with her. And I agree with your little girl that sometimes our tummy's really do tell us what they need :-)

Rosemary said...

Thank you all. Yes, It's so nice that she is better. I do think that after three days her body needed food so badly the tummy was saying "Give me something really calorie-rich. She's starving. So we did.

Sarah - Kala said...

I agree with Ukok, that it would be nice to suffer in their place, but then my other thought is, how will they then learn to suffer and be served in love? As a mother, it is very hard to see the wee ones sick. My girl suffered two days before I took her to the clinic and she did end up having strep (no other symptoms but a sore throat). Bad mommy, not listening! No, just kidding. Live and learn. I have enjoyed being able to serve her needs the past few days. I'm learning as I go, too.

Love your blog.