Sunday, May 25, 2008

Confirmation Party.....

I am sooo tired. We had a brunch today to celebrate my daughter's Confirmation. A lot of friends came by. The wonderful part of having people over (besides just the fun of being with them) is that I actually get my house looking pretty good. I even planted most of my flower beds and pulled out most of the weeds. The bathroom is clean. The house is dusted. I guess I'm willing to put forth this kind of effort for other people, but for us? Well, not so much and not so often. Maybe there's something wrong with that. Anyway, we get to enjoy it now!


Kellan said...

Congratulations on yuor daughter's confirmation. Glad it was a nice day. Take care - Kellan

Anonymous said...

So glad about your Confirmation Brunch going so well. I am exactly the same way about cleaning the house LOL!

Sarah - Kala said...

Ditto on the house duty. I gutted the boys room yesterday, but they have a pile of stuff to sort through on the floor. Also, their closet. But, I have given them a very good leg up on the task at hand. My room is next. Wish me luck!

God blesses every effort. God bless you!!

Rosemary said...

Thank you, Kellan. Hope you're having fun too on that beautiful water.
ukok. Thanks. teehee I can only imagine what our house would be like if I never had anyone over.
Journey, Good luck! "God blesses every effort." what a very sweet and comforting thought."

Anonymous said...

Yorkshire puddings are easy to make

use plain (not self-raising!!) flour, eggs and water (or milk - fat free works very well) with a little salt ... and you must plop the batter into a smidgen of very hot oil (I use muffin tin) and bake in a very hot oven

Melissa said...

YOu asked about the family moment monday? The way that you link your website is that box under my post. Todays post... right below it, there is a box and it has a spot for you to type in your website's name and then your website url. If you needed help I could do it for you :)

Rosemary said...

Thank you, m for d, I think I did it. Let me know if I messed up. Love your idea.

Rosemary said...

Thank you, m for d, I think I did it. Let me know if I messed up. Love your idea.