Saturday, March 07, 2015

Resurrecting My Old Favorite Blog List

Dear Blogging Friends,

As many of you may remember a while back I accidentally deleted my old beloved template, designed by Alexa.  All the links I had on that template were also lost.

If you read this blog please remind me of your address.  I am going to try to gradually reconstruct the list.  And if you are a new reader with a blog, by all means, ask to be put on my links.

Please know that there are many blogs I love and just can't remember where you are!

Any help in this endeavor is greatly appreciated. :-)



EC Gefroh said...

That's terrible Rosemary! BTW, have been following you on Twitter. Really look forward to your posts. I really need to catch up on all my old favorite blogs too, like yours. God bless.

Rosemary said...

Hi Esther! Just followed you on Twitter! Glad to have found you again.