Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Way Too Busy....

I have been too busy to post anything or read anybody's blog for the last 5 or 6 days.

I worked the box office and refreshments for each show of Sound of Music. (Also purchased all the items to sell.)

Yesterday I met the woman I wrote about before, the daughter of my mother's roommate in the nursing home. We had "accidentally" met at Starbucks a few weeks ago. Mind you, we did not recognize each other at that time but happened to start a casual conversation that led to the discovery that our mothers had been roommates. It was such a strange coincidence that I have to think the unseen was breaking into the seen world. In other words, I think my mother had something to do with it. It would be so like my mother.

Anyway, Sandy and I met at Starbucks and had the conversation our mothers were never able to have on this Earth. We talked for four hours! Somehow I think our mothers were enjoying it. We certainly were. We are going to get together again soon.

Well, too tired to write any more. And, unfortunately, too tired to read any posts either. I will try to catch up some tomorrow


Sarah - Kala said...

I'm glad that something is coming of the new friend found. :) Glad to know you are busy, too, because you sound content.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you have a new friend. Rest well!

Mimi said...

It sounds so fantastic!