Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dr. Sean Morrison-- Here is my response.

Wow.  I want to thank Lucy Ann Lance again for the great job she did interviewing Dr. Sean Morrison, director of the University of Michigan Center for Stem Cell Biology.   Lucy Ann allowed Dr. Morrison to make his case but she also did not shy away from the central ethical questions involving embryonic stem cell research.  I applaud her courage.

Lucy Ann said, among other things ---What about the directive for a doctor to "do no harm?"

Dr. Morrison said that most people don't recognize the microscopic clumps of cells that are embryos as having the same moral status as living breathing human beings.

(Dr. Morrison, that may be true.  But is the opinion of others, even IF they are in the majority, the determiner of right and wrong?  People can be wrong.  History is full of examples.  Our own lives are full of examples.  We must turn to the God who made us or, if one doesn't believe there is a God that made us, one must turn to a higher power or look within to that natural law that is written in the hearts of all human beings.  The masses are a very unreliable arbiter of morality.)

Dr. Morrison went on to say that many in our society believe it's immoral to NOT do this research.  So much good could come from it, etc.

(Again, Dr. Morrison, there is a right and wrong.  It is either true or it is false that embryonic stem cell research is a moral choice.  Truth is independent of the opinions of individuals.  The actual reality and facts of the research are what must be considered.  Embryos are destroyed in the process.  Public opinion aside, one must decide if that destruction is right or wrong.)

Dr. Morrison--- the former restrictions did not save a single embryo from destruction.  Thousands are destroyed whether the research takes place or not.

(Dr. Morrison,.....and your point is what??  Are human lives to be used for the benefit of others simply because they will not survive?  The logical conclusion from such an attitude is that research should also be done on terminally ill infants.  Thankfully, at this point, I don't think anyone wants to go there. (with the possible exception of a few sociopaths.)

Dr. Morrison-- At least now parents of these embryos can have the option of donating them for potentially life-saving research.

(That sounds very good, Dr. Morrison, but parents are not the owners of their children's lives.  That's why we have laws against infanticide.

Furthermore, you yourself said that we need many lines of embryonic stem cells in order to have a "diverse patient population" for research.  We need new lines from "backgrounds not represented now."  Dr. Morrison, these words sent chills down my spine.  Indeed, these embryos are individuals with backgrounds and specific characteristics.  Why, then, act as though they are not entitled to personhood.)

Dr. Morrison thinks that because state money is not being used for the research that somehow those who believe as I do have no stake in the ethics of the research.

(I disagree.  The destruction of human embryos, for any purpose, cheapens all of human life and makes all humans, particularly the disabled, the elderly, and the terminal, very, very vulnerable to the whims of a society that just might decide next  that their lives are disposable too. )
May this destructive research (in the very real sense of the word) come to an end.  It is my prayer that it will soon become clear that stem cell research can continue without the destruction of embryos.  I pray too that the adult stem cell research being done by Dr. Morrison with, I am sure the best of intentions, will bear much fruit and that the lives of many may be saved through his efforts.


Suzanne said...

The Holy Spirit filled you with an awesome message to pass onto the doctor and to any who read it! I hope you will continue to use this good gift God has given you..when you feel strongly moved to do so with prayer. I very very much mean this. You are one of the best writers I've read on some of these has to be you and the H.S...period! I told Danny (my husband) about your letter and what happened and he is so proud of you..he too, hopes and prays you will continue! His letter has not yet been published..pray for I said..we live in a most liberal area and sometimes if his is particularly a "thinker," they will not print the newspaper caters to the liberals, for sure here. At any rate, its a little early, so it may still take.
I'll let ya know!
Your response here was great, as well..who knows...the doc, may really have to think on this one!
God blessed this! Thanks for trying to help the world be for Christ!
Love and prayers, Suzanne

Rosemary said...

Suzanne, you've brought tears to my eyes. Lord, please let Danny's letter be published too!!! May the truth be made known. So funny that we both live in liberal communities. I never know if they'll print mine either. Sometimes I feel like the best ones they won't print. We do our best, right?

Suzanne said...

Sometimes they do not print the best ones..which tells me, if they believed that they were so right then why should they be afraid if anyone is swayed away. If it were the best deal...people would sway back to their thinking, but they know there is some big doubt there, so they don't want to have to face those truths or something like that.

Sometimes we need to know that the Lord is directly allowing us to be a servant in a particular area for Him...that may be what brought the tears to your eyes. :)