Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day

How on earth did it get to be Labor Day so soon. Oh no. The summer is officially over.
Our neighborhood pool had the closing day barbecue and potluck, and the traditional "whirlpool." They pull the plug on the pool and the kids all swim in a circle around the perimeter trying to get a current going. And they really DO get a current going. Then when it seems almost impossible to swim the other way. the lifeguard blows the whistle and they have to reverse. The kids love this ritual that happens every year here. But it is always bittersweet because it marks the end of summer. Perhaps tomorrow I can post pictures. I hope you all had a relaxing Labor Day. (It's a national holiday, UKOK :-)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for explaining, Rosemary! It's like what we over here refer to as a 'Bank Holiday', I think....hich has absolutely nothing to do with Banks as far as I know!

And hey, Autumn already? In England we haven't even had summer yet!

Anonymous said...

Rose, your post brought to mind the neighborhood pool where I grew up. We had an assortment of events to mark the pool's annual closing, such as diving for pennies, greased watermelon contest, and diving for goldfish (yes, they were live!). Ah, the rituals of childhood!

I hope your hectic schedule dies down soon! (Although with your kids in various schools, I can't imagine it will!)


Mimi said...

Deb, we haven't had summer yet here! I suspect we are well into Fall though, and will have missed it this year.