Friday, January 05, 2007

How does one tell if one is excessively attached to blogging?

Are you too attached to blogging if:

When someone is showing you something on the computer you get progressively more irritated because it is delaying the start of your blogging time?

Someone starts to talk to you while you're blogging and you feel the same way you do when you're in the middle of a phone conversation and someone else starts to talk to you?

You start blogging and your son comes up to you and asks if he can check email and you sarcastically say, "Do you see someone already sitting in front of the computer?

Obviously, I have some repenting to do. I do think blogging is good for me though. I think it was Saint John Bosco (if I'm wrong, please correct me) who used to immediately put down his pencil when someone interrupted him while he was writing. Seems like a good discipline. Perhaps I'll try a variation.


Anonymous said...

I'm exactly the opposite! I've had a Typepad blog for years and have perhaps four entries, one that has been in edit mode for months! Give me some of your blog-ivity, and I'll give you some of my lack of blog-ivity!


Rosemary said...

Sounds like a deal. (smile)

EC Gefroh said...

LOL! Rosemary, I don't think I've reached that point yet but I have noticed, that I prefer blogging to answering email :-)

Anonymous said...

I love St. Don John :) Bosco! Less blogging ...more time with the kids...not a bad deal. Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Ha! I can relate!
God bless
Maria in the UK

FloridaWife said...

I have that problem with the online message board I'm on with other trying-to-conceive women. I sit down each night to check up on all my TTC friends, and I find myself getting irritated when my husband talks to me. I have had to tell myself to be calm and not be irritated.

Rosemary said...

Suzanne, I love him too. One of my children chose him as a Confirmation saint.

Maria, glad you can relate. I'm hoping I'm not the only one.

Esther, I too sure prefer it to answering email. That's business for me. Blogging is fun.

foridawife, the message board sounds like a wonderfully therapeutic activity. If these activities also give us an opportunity to learn patience, all the better? By the way I am praying for you to conceive.