Sunday, October 01, 2006

BigBlue Wave Pro-Life Blogburst--Rights of the unborn

Satan has so clouded the truth about the humanity of the unborn that what should be simple biological facts are now twisted with empty rhetoric about rights and freedoms. Freedom is always limited by our collective sense of what should not be allowed because it is wrong or impinges on the rights of others. These are laws. The proponents of abortion want to skip the discussion of the morality of abortion. All living things belong to a species. The unborn are alive. They belong to the human species. They are entitled to human rights. It's that simple.

The experience that most impressed upon me the humanity of the unborn was when I thought I was in the process of miscarrying my fourth child. All the signs were there. I was sure he was gone. Tearily, I went in for the ultrasound. I looked at the screen only to see my fully formed baby of 7 weeks gestation turn two consecutive full somersaults. He then continued to move so much it was almost impossible to measure his heart rate with the cursor. I was dumfounded with joy.

In two days that 7 week "fetus" will turn 15. He's a freshmen in high school and plays junior varsity football. He's one of the fastest guys on the team. Why am I not surprised!! I can't help but think of all the would be high school football players whose lives were taken before their birth because so many people will not acknowledge the simple truth of when life begins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad your son is alive and well!